Individual projects

In eleven individual projects we want to promote rare species and even create some new valuable habitats. The project is a continuation towards the south of the successful activities of the LIFE+ project “Living Rhine floodplains near Karlsruhe” which ended in 2010

Here you get information about the individual projects and their aims:

You can get detailed information about the importance of the area for nature conservation and about the implementation of the measures:

  • The Regional Council Karlsruhe regularly issues press releases, brochures and email newsletters. Additionally it is intended to develop nature trails and information events, i.a. for farmers.
  •  The centre for nature conservation in Karlsruhe-Rappenwört offers about 20 guided tours per year and organises two LIFE+ festivals.

 The foundation “Naturschutzfonds” will be repeatedly on-site explaining the aims and measures of the LIFE+ project to hikers, stroller and visitors. Additionally educational schemes will be offered to young natural scientists on the fascinating diversity of fish in the Upper Rhine.